- robmor@robmor.dev
- GitHub
is a data collection tool I created for a friend to analyze the efficiency of his house. It provides a simple command line interface, automatic data storage and visualization, and easy extensibility to add new data sources.
is a research tool developed as part of the semester project for CMSC435. The goal of the project was to streamline the collection of vulnerability data to aide future research. In the end we succeeded in that goal and produced a refined product with useful features for future researchers.
is a simple tool I built for a friend in the same vein as the NetZero project. It is meant to injest a camera feed of your homes water meter to track approximately how much water you are using.
A Kakuro solver built as a final project for CMSC388F: Functional Pearls. I wrote it in Haskell and got the solve time down to less than a second on large boards using techniques from the class.
A Jupyter Notebook containing analysis done on the UN General Assembly's debate transcripts. We attempted to classify the home country of the speakers using simple analysis of the words they used which proved surprisingly effective.
A research project conducted with Dr. Purtilo of the University of Maryland to detect vulnerabilities in large code bases using static analysis techniques mixed with modern machine learning. I presented this poster at RSA Conference and University of Maryland's Undergraduate Research Day.
A hackathon project in which we strapped a webcam and an arduino to a nerf gun and used computer vision software to lock the gun when it would make a lethal shot.